ST HELENS First magazine will be scrapped as part of a series of cuts announced to balance St Helens Council’s books.

The announcements were made at Wednesday night’s full council meeting, as councillors approved the budget for 2020-21.

Labour’s budget also contained a 3.99 per cent council tax rise, which includes a 2 per cent increase of the social care precept.

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Council leader David Baines said the authority expects to receive £57.7 million in business rates in 2020-21 – a growth of £2.2 million.

He said without that new growth, and the £3 million raised through the council tax, the council would be facing a £15 million budget gap for the coming year.

Cllr Baines said the forecast £10 million budget gap still presents “huge challenges and difficulties” for the authority.

The council will halve the budget gap by using £5 million from a one-off reserve and £5 million through service cuts and income generation.

Some of the planned cuts were announced by the Labour leader, which he described as “responsible and sensible measures”.

The biggest announcement was the news that St Helens First, the council’s free community magazine that is published three times a year, is to be axed.

This will save the council £45,000 a year.  The upcoming spring issue will be its last.

Secondly, councillors’ allowances have been frozen for the upcoming municipal year.

Lastly, the council leader said the authority will introduce a flat rate for the green bin fee, meaning those who pay online will no longer receive a discount.

In addition to cuts, Cllr Baines said the council will be focusing on more ways to generate income that “don’t hit residents in the pocket”.

He also hinted there could be “larger investments” to generate returns which can be invested in services.

But Liberal Democrat councillor David Smith said the Labour administration needs to be “more transparent when using public monies”.

“The purchase of Church Square Shopping Centre comes to mind, purchased with little or no scrutiny for £26 million,” Cllr Smith said.

“We know that it’s value has now decreased by £1.2 million, with the council having to use an extra £900,000 of council reserves to prop it up.

“This money, could and should have been used to enable a council tax freeze this evening rather than an increase.”

St Helens Star: Cllr David Smith, Liberal Democrat councillor for Newton Cllr David Smith, Liberal Democrat councillor for Newton

Cllr Smith also questioned why council tax cannot be frozen in St Helens, claiming Wigan Council have frozen their council tax seven years in a row.

This was rebuked by former council leader Derek Long, who said the message around Wigan Council freezing council tax is “misleading the public”.

Cllr Long said Wigan Council has increased the social care precept, year on year, and added that it also receives a millions of pounds in dividends every year as part of its part-ownership deal with the Manchester Airport Group.

Despite the criticism, the Lib Dems – who was missing leader Teresa Sims as she was on other council business – voted in favour of Labour’s budget and the council tax rise.

The budget and the council tax rise also received support from The Independents.

Independents councillor Gill Neal praised Marlene Quinn, cabinet member for adult social care, saying she is held up as a “national example of how to keep social care going when you’ve got absolutely no money in the budget”.

The former Labour councillor, who has held multiple positions in cabinet, also used her speech to reflect on some of the ruling group’s past decisions.

“I have been part of some of them rubbish decisions we made,” Cllr Neal said.

“I don’t really think we should have bought Church Square Shopping Centre, in hindsight.

“I think there were decisions that were made when I came in, like we were going to move to three-weekly bin collections, that haven’t come forward.

“We were gonna find £1 million worth of savings in the libraries. I don’t know whether they’ve ever been found. I certainly can’t find them in here (the budget).

“The one thing I do know is that I stood here last year when Cllr Long delivered this budget, I stood alongside him and said this was a budget for the people of St Helens and the money that we had was going into people’s services.

“And I know I can see it is. But actually, if you look at the summary of the savings, the biggest saving is coming in adult health and social care, again.”

St Helens Star: St Helens Council leader David BainesSt Helens Council leader David Baines

Following a named vote, all councillors present from the Lib Dems and The Independents voted in favour of the budget. Conservative councillors and Green Party councillor David O’Keefe all abstained.

A separate named vote on the 3.99 per cent council tax rise was held, with all councillors voting in favour of the rise except Conservative councillors Allan Jones and Linda Mussell. Fellow Tory councillor Rob Reynolds was outside the council chamber when the vote was held.

Cllr Jones told the Local Democracy Reporting Service that the Conservative group would have agreed to increase the social care precept if there was a separate vote for that, but could not support a rise in the general council tax.

Following the meeting, Cllr Baines said: “Freezing councillor allowances, scrapping St Helens First magazine, and supporting a switch to all out elections are among the responsible, sensible measures Labour will be taking in order to achieve a balanced budget and protect adult social care and children’s services from the worst of the government’s continuing austerity.

“While council funding from government has declined in the last ten years, at the same time demand on adult social care and children’s services has massively increased.

“As all opposition parties apart from the Tories agreed, we therefore have no choice but to reluctantly raise council tax, and the vast majority of the £3 million this raises will go to vulnerable adults and children, whose services account for 71 per cent of council spending.

READ > St Helens council tax rise confirmed

“I would like to be in a position to freeze council tax in future years but without extra government support we will only be able to do that by generating more income through a more commercial approach that doesn’t hit residents in the pocket, and through growing our business rate and council tax base by continuing to attract industry and investment to the borough and building new, quality, and affordable homes.

“These steps will be among our top priorities in the year ahead.”