SAINTS chairman Eamonn McManus has confirmed that there will be no new signings ahead of the new season – despite the new regulations coming into force on the salary cap.

Clubs like Saints – who nurture and retain English talent for the Elite Training squad and the Knights – can claim an exemption up to £100,000.

But that will be used to nail down hot property such as last year’s Super League young player of the year Jonny Lomax as well as the club’s other young talent.

McManus said: “Obviously (the change) gives us some room this year but the players are not there to recruit. We are happy with the strength and balance of the squad but it gives us the ability to retain.

“The challenge is keeping players given the financial muscle of the NRL – it is the image and profile that the NRL and rugby union has that is attracting the players and that is the big weakness of the game. “