SAINTS will not be be resting anyone against London on Friday, but will be forced to make changes with Gareth O’Brien sitting it out after getting knocked out cold for the second game on the spin.

It does give Lance Hohaia a crack at a start partnering Jon Wilkin at half back – and it will be one the Kiwi World Cup winner will relish after he has been left kicking his heels on the sidelines for the past three matches.

Brown said: “Lance will come in. He has been training great this past month and is looking for an opportunity and I am sure he will do well.

“His attitude has been great so it is right that he gets a chance.

“As an import cannot play elsewhere if he is not picked for the first team – he could have done with a game or two, but has been training well and is a terrific player on the field, so I am sure he will be fine.”

O’Brien, who was knocked out by Zeb Taia’s reckless late tackle, has not taken a Cog test, instead Brown has taken the decision to take him out of the firing line.

“He seems ok but he definitely won’t be playing this week. He’d like to play but has got to go and see a specialist “I believe he would pass his Cog Sport test but he has had two heavy knocks in three weeks.

“What is done is done and I have made my points clear. It is a tough game as it is but people would like some consistency as when someone is charged and someone is not. That would be a fair call.

“I was not surprised Taia did not submit an early guilty plea because I thought Scott Taylor’s was worse. It was from behind and a deliberate shoulder charge. At least Zeb Taia was front on and it was a normal sort of tackle, I have made my point.

“Everyone wants their better players looked after and some consistency.”